Friday, April 13, 2012

Good Job Daddy!

N1's composition in 2nd Grade writing bite-sized Test

The Hungry Goat

     "Crash! Bang! Ba-a-a!" Rusty jumped over the broken fence and started looking for food. It was a dark and starry night, and Rusty the goat had planned to raid the farmer's garden.

     Firstly, Rusty wanted to raid the farmer's vegetable patch. "Hmm," thought Rusty, "Lettuce...nope...carrots... no... cabbage...perfect!" It quickly walked over to the cabbages and..."Gobble! Smack! Champ!" All the cabbages were gone.

     Next, Rusty jumped onto the sink, which the farmer used for washing the vegetables. Next to the sink were two buckets filled with water! Rusty was so thirsty....He drank both of them up!  "Ah, " he thought. " How refreshing!" He was about to go back to it's barnyard, when it accidentally knocked over the buckets!

     "What's all the racket?" exclaimed the farmer. All the noise had woken up the farmer. He ran to the vegetable patch. What a sight met his eyes!

    There right in the middle of the patch stood Rusty! The farmer was very angry. In fact, he was so angry that he started throwing mangoes at Rusty!

    Caught by surprise, Rusty fell over and ran away. Rusty also learned a valuable lesson: never do something that would make the farmer angry.

N1 got "full marks" in the "Writing bite-sized test".
 Great job! N1.. Mummy is so proud of you!

Milk Kobo Again!

Dinner at Lupicia (April 6)